OKW Lista de productos
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Screw 3.9 x 9 mm, for fitting standard DIN rails, mounting plates and PCBs.
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Covered wall-fixing. Having a functional and an optically elegant design, the wall-suspension kit offers a sophisticated appearance. Two part construction. …
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Two-part case with closed front and rear. Guide ridges and fastening pillars for mounting of PCBs in top and base.
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Inside hinge, for converting the top part of the enclosure into a folding door.
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Ergonomically shaped enclosure to wear on the body. Recessed operating area in order to protect the membrane keyboards. Plane area …
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Case shell with thread and fixing towers as separate part. Alternative use either as top or bottom part. Screw fixing …
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Design: Successfully used case for measuring instruments. With recessed area for imprintings or your logo. Cut-out section for LCD or …
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Ergonomically shaped enclosure to wear on the body. Recessed operating area in order to protect the membrane keyboards. Plane area …
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Three-part enclosure in ergonomic design. TPE ring for a pleasant touch sensation. Fastening pillars and fixing supports for PCBs and …
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