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Lackwerke Peters - VT 3402 KK-NV
SKU: PH-176759

VT 3402 KK-NV

Fabricante: Lackwerke Peters

(13 reseñas)

The casting compound VT 3402 KK-NV protect and insulate electronic components against extreme climatic influence and aggressive media as well as against mechanical attacks. Features Base: Polyurethane resin (UR) Colourless, highly transparent and crystal-clear Mercury-free Very good weather resistance, outstanding UV light stability, good thermal resistance Operating temperature range -65 to at least +90 °C Very high optical transparency with low optical damping Very good adhesion to almost all materials High mechanical stability, thus very good protection against shock, impact and vibration Resistant against water, moisture, condensate and numerous chemicals, bases, acids and oils

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