Kabeltronik Lista de productos
Descubre la alta calidad de los productos de Kabeltronik a precios competitivos. Con la garantía de PARTS HUB LLC, estamos aquí para satisfacer tus necesidades industriales con una amplia gama de productos, desde sensores hasta válvulas, conectores hasta motores y acoplamientos.
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For high-resolution 4K-UHD transmissions in the professional sector. Our high quality video cables are characterized by their uniform, tightly tolerated …
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Microphone cable for stage, events, studio usage. Footstep resistance and robust due to the enhanced wall thickness of the outer …
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Very flexible but also durable speaker-cable for mobile using or fixed installation on stages and in studios as well as …
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The 000108000 is a copper rounded wire mostly for short connections within electronic components.
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The 100115000 is a copper rounded wire mostly for short connections within electronic components.
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Comprehensive Assortment box consisting of 300 pcs heat shrink tubing with a shrink ratio of 3:1. This set includes different …
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Comprehensive Assortment box consisting of 118 pcs heat shrink tubing with a shrink ratio of 3:1. This set includes different …
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Single pair ethernet cable suitable for drag chains for robust and flexible connections of sensors and actuators in machine and …
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For connections in all fields of the measuring and control engineering as well as in signal and impulse technology. Because …
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The 783164107 is a stranded wire for internal wiring of electrical devices and control cabinets. Due to extremely thin wall …
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