EFB Elektronik Lista de productos
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Ring core ferrite 7.5 mm, black round type. Features For round cable For retrofitting With plastic housing for fold-up
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Ring core ferrite 13 mm, black square type. Features For round cable For retrofitting With plastic housing for fold-up
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DRAKA Patch cable UC300 S26. Electrically and mechanically high-quality 300 MHz patch cable. Especially for application of class D.
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The 55212.1OM4A is a outdoor cable suitable for outdoor installation, connecting buildings to the campus cabling. Features Easy to process …
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The 98701.100 is a Cat. 5E Patch cable with the structure tuned to a fast and reliable packing! Electrically and …
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Cat.7 Patch cable - overtakes the requirements of ISO/IEC 11801, IEC 61156-6, EN 50173-1 and EN 50288-4-2. Useable for all …
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The 55212.1OM3A is a outdoor cable suitable for outdoor installation, connecting buildings to the campus cabling. Features Easy to process …
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The network cable MK7104 is constructed for transmissions up to 600 MHz and exceeds with the electrical transmission properties and …
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The 55204.1A is a outdoor cable suitable for outdoor installation, connecting buildings to the campus cabling. Features Easy to process …
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