STEGO Lista de productos
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Filter fan is used to provide an optimum climate in enclosures and cabinets with electrical/electronic components. The interior temperature of …
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Filter fan is used to provide an optimum climate in enclosures and cabinets with electrical/electronic components. The interior temperature of …
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The compact smart sensor 01411.2-00 electronically records temperature and humidity and converts the measured data into a standardized digital IO-Link …
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The hygrostat is used to prevent condensation and regulates heaters and fans. From a critical relative humidity of 65%, the …
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Compact heater for the protection of electrical and electronic components in enclosures. Its design ensures great convection resulting in excellent …
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The compact high performance fan heater prevents formation of condensation and frost and provides an evenly distributed interior air temperature …
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In enclosures and housings with a high protection class, differential pressure happens due to internal and external temperature changes. In …
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Compact heater for the protection of electrical and electronic components in enclosures. Its design ensures great convection resulting in excellent …
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The Jet water hood for increasing the protection class is a protective cover for filter fans, intake and exit filters. …
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The compact high performance fan heater prevents formation of condensation and frost and provides an evenly distributed interior air temperature …
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