ESD PROTECT Lista de productos
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Features Palm-Fit ESD glove, size: L Palm with PU rubber coating, electrostatically dissipative, with cuff Material: nylon / carbon fibers, …
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Features PE air cushion foil, antistatic length: 100 m / width: 0,60 m, 120 my strong pink, antistatic, three layers …
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Features Top-Fit ESD glove, size: XL Fingertips with PU rubber coating, electrostatically dissipative, with cuffs Material: nylon / carbon fibers, …
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Features ESD hand broom and dustpan Color: black, made of volume conductive plastic With ESD symbol
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Clipboard DIN A4, PVC, light blue, with cover, permanent antistatic, ESD symbol, surface resistance for PVC version: Rs= 10E11 Ohm, …
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Features Dimensions: 900 x 600 mm + all around 2 cm bevel Surface: open-pored, matt, for dry areas Material: PUR …
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Features Palm-Fit ESD glove, size: L Palm with PU rubber coating, electrostatically dissipative, with cuff Material: nylon / carbon fibers, …
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Features Palm-Fit ESD glove, size: S Palm with PU rubber coating, electrostatically dissipative, with cuff Material: nylon / carbon fibers, …
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