ECS Cleaning Solutions Lista de productos
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The 732400000 is microscopically clean, moisterfree and developed for applications where extremely pure cleaning is required and where liquid solvents …
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Cleaning Swabs / Foam Buds filled with Isopropanol in the plastic stick. Efficient in cleaning gaps and hard-to-reach areas. Cleans …
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The 771.L01.000 is a high-quality single component polyurethane lacquer, particulary suitable for the electronic industry. URETHANE protects and insulates PC …
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Removes uncoated paper labels off of equipment, cardboard and glass enabling remaining adhesive residues to be removed easily.
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The cleaning 478.030.000 wipes are strong and effective stainless steel cleaning wipes of the highest quality. The highly effective cleaning …
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The 762400000 ensures reliable cooling down to -50°C. It quickly locates thermal intermittent components due to heat induced failure. The …
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Disinfecting Cleaning Wipes 483 are a quick alcohol-free disinfection for Objects and surfaces. The disinfectant solution used is virucidal against …
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The 771400000 is a high-quality single component polyurethane lacquer, particulary suitable for the electronic industry. URETHANE protects and insulates PC …
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Elix Anti-Graffiti wipes are a strong and effective anti-graffiti wipe, made from highest quality. The highly effective cleaning effect is …
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The 710400000 is a powerful, very thin, acid-free lubricant with excellent emergency running properties. Its lubricating film is very durable …
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