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The HHXC350ARA101MHA0G is a conductive polymer hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitor with high reliability and high voltage realized by hybrid electrolyte. …
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The HHXC500ARA220MF61G is a conductive polymer hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitor with high reliability and high voltage realized by hybrid electrolyte. …
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The HHXD500ARA101MJA0G is a conductive polymer hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitor with high reliability and high voltage realized by hybrid electrolyte. …
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The HHXC630ARA820MJA0G is a conductive polymer hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitor with high reliability and high voltage realized by hybrid electrolyte. …
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The HHXD350ARA470MF61G is a conductive polymer hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitor with high reliability and high voltage realized by hybrid electrolyte. …
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The HHXJ350ARA101MF80G is a conductive polymer hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitor with high reliability realized by hybrid electrolyte. For high temperature …
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The HHXC350ARA680MF80G is a conductive polymer hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitor with high reliability and high voltage realized by hybrid electrolyte. …
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The HHXJ250ARA151MF80G is a conductive polymer hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitor with high reliability realized by hybrid electrolyte. For high temperature …
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