Bernstein Lista de productos
Descubre la alta calidad de los productos de Bernstein a precios competitivos. Con la garantía de PARTS HUB LLC, estamos aquí para satisfacer tus necesidades industriales con una amplia gama de productos, desde sensores hasta válvulas, conectores hasta motores y acoplamientos.
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Lens with a factor of 0.5 increases the working distance from 83 mm to 100 mm.
Obtener productoBernstein
By screwing on the lens, the magnification changes from 10x / 20x to 20x / 40x. This reduces the working …
Obtener productoBernstein
Antistatic hand magnifier, suitable for the EPA area, with a surface resistance of 10^5 to 10^9 ohm. With this ESD …
Obtener productoBernstein
The inspection hand magnifier is equipped with a 4.3 display, a touch screen function for intuitive operation and an HD …
Obtener productoBernstein
Magnifying lamp with a circular LED module, the spring-balanced arm provides maximum vertical and horizontal movement, stays in position.
Obtener productoBernstein
Risk factor loupes and lighting. At the ESD workstation, sensitive components must not be exposed to an electrostatic field of …
Obtener productoBernstein
The magnifying lamp is equipped with the aspherical PXM light lens with era-tec hard coating. The fold-down lens cover serves …
Obtener productoBernstein
Wrist grounding, as a safe method to derive electrostatic charge from people, consists of an adjustable wrist strap with woven …
Obtener productoBernstein
The 9-342-1 contact wristband is suitable for working in electrostatically protected areas. This product meets the safety requirements for wrist …
Obtener productoBernstein
Grounding point for mounting below the work desk. EBP / Earth Bonding Point = A common connection point where ESD …
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