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X7R formulations are called “temperature stable” ceramics and fall into EIA Class II materials. X7R is the most popular of …
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X7R formulations are called “temperature stable” ceramics and fall into EIA Class II materials. X7R is the most popular of …
Obtener productoAVX
X7R formulations are called “temperature stable” ceramics and fall into EIA Class II materials. X7R is the most popular of …
Obtener productoAVX
X7R formulations are called “temperature stable” ceramics and fall into EIA Class II materials. X7R is the most popular of …
Obtener productoAVX
X7R formulations are called “temperature stable” ceramics and fall into EIA Class II materials. X7R is the most popular of …
Obtener productoAVX
X7R formulations are called “temperature stable” ceramics and fall into EIA Class II materials. X7R is the most popular of …
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Standard and Low Profile Tantalum Capacitors FEATURES General purpose SMT chip tantalum series 17 case sizes available, standard and low …
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C0G (NP0) is the most popular formulation of the “temperature-compensating,” EIA Class I ceramic materials. Modern C0G (NP0) formulations contain …
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X7R formulations are called “temperature stable” ceramics and fall into EIA Class II materials. X7R is the most popular of …
Obtener productoAVX
C0G (NP0) is the most popular formulation of the “temperature-compensating,” EIA Class I ceramic materials. Modern C0G (NP0) formulations contain …
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