APEM Lista de productos
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LED indicators with the mounting diameter of 12mm. Integrated Ø 8mm LED, 2VDC to 220VAC, with metal socket. Features Various …
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LED indicators with the mounting diameter of 6mm. Integrated Ø 3mm LED, 2VDC up to 28VDC, with metal socket. Different …
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Q SERIES Ø12mm (.472") Panel Mount LED Indicator. FEATURES Prominent recessed and flush bezel style Plated brass bezel finished in …
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LED indicators with 8mm mounting diameter, integrated Ø 5mm LED, 2VDC to 28VDC control and metal socket. Features Various connection …
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LED indicators with the mounting diameter of 19mm. Integrated Ø 10mm LED, 2VDC to 220VAC, with metal or plastic socket …
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LED-indicators with the mounting diameter of 22mm. Integrated Ø 18mm LED, 5VDC to 220VAC, with metal or plastic socket and …
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LED-indicators with the mounting diameter of 16mm. Integrated Ø 10 mm LED, 2VDC to 220VAC, with metal or plastic socket, …
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