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LAPP - 61803956
SKU: PH-186886


Hersteller: LAPP

(21 Bewertungen)

The cable protection conduit FIPLOCK FPDF is made of PA12 with highly flame retarded that features and can be used for cable protection applications where low fire hazard is mandatory. In addition is the protection conduit self-extinguishing has a low smoke characteristics and is due to his mechanical properties the conduit can be used for technical applications such like rolling stock and public transport equipment. Features Suitable for outdoor use Good chemical resistance Flame-retardant Halogen-free Cold-resistant Assembly time Low weight Oil-resistant Waterproof

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Produkt Beschreibung Lieferzeit
LAPP 2170006 The 2170006 is a coaxial cable for radio and computer … 3-4 Wochen
LAPP 2170008 The 2170008 is a coaxial cable for radio and computer … 3-6 Wochen
LAPP 2170016 The 2170016 is a coaxial cable for radio and computer … 4-5 Wochen
LAPP 2170007 The 2170007 is a coaxial cable for radio and computer … 2-3 Wochen
LAPP 2170010 The 2170010 is a coaxial cable for radio and computer … 3-6 Wochen
LAPP 2170012 The 2170012 is a coaxial cable for radio and computer … 3-5 Wochen
LAPP 2170005 The 2170005 is a coaxial cable for radio and computer … 4-5 Wochen
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